Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Christmas 2013

We celebrated Christmas with Chad's family a few days before we went to Utah, and unfortunately I didn't take any pictures. BUT, we got some awesome stuff! Including a new SA-WEET Nikon camera! I love it. It has so many awesome features including two sick lenses, the capability to create a hot spot so I can upload pictures no matter where I am, which blows my mind, and more awesome things, I just need to research more about it. It's incredibly nice and I feel a little overwhelmed, but I'm so excited to use it! 

We had such a fun time in Utah for Christmas! Chad started a new job (yay!) on the 16th, so we felt bad asking for a bunch of time off the week after he started, but they were super cool with him taking off early on Christmas Eve (most people did, obviously) so we headed down to Utah around noon and Chad stayed till Sunday. He then hitched a ride with a co-worker and I stayed longer to be there for my nephew, Gunner's, baptism and to see baby Cambrie be born! It was such a fun trip. The girls thoroughly enjoyed having older cousins to play with. And the feeling seemed to be reciprocated! Everyone loved playing with the girls which was sooo nice because it gave me a nice little break ;)

On Christmas Eve, my dad read the story of Christ's birth and the grand kids acted it out. It was so cute to see them all dressed up! We then did our yearly tradition of opening up one present: pajamas! Then we took some pictures by the tree and called it a night. I love my cute family. 

Harper loved every. single. second of Christmas day. I don't know if it was all the commotion, the paper everywhere, or just the general feel of happiness in the house, but she was full of pure joy all day. Avery gets a little anxious with a lot of people around, so she wasn't as enthusiastic as Harper, but she did enjoy her new toys :) 

As you can tell, it was a pretty awesome Christmas for everyone! 

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